Monday, June 3, 2013

Magnet Menu Planner

I have been busy making some menu planners for people.  So I thought I would do a quick video about how to use it.  To me it is not hard but others it may not come as easy.

I have loved using mine.  And will add more recipes to my labels as I go.
You can purchase one of your own at:
I will contact you to get some ideas of how you want it customized for you.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

hope your doing well

Life has been crazy around here! Which I am sure is the same everywhere. Health is getting better but has been hard. I had to have a tooth pulled that I broke apparently while I was in the hospital. Now I have a big whole in my mouth. (it feels goofy)

I have been working on my IIN school stuff.  Trying to get a logo made up and reading my school book.
School itself isn't crazy yet.  So far they wanted us to do alot of reflection and why we are there.  I am not 100% sure yet other then I want to better my health and happiness.  And if it helps me helps others that is great.  I am hoping to up it all together. Wildtree and the health coaching.  I posted about my meal planning system on my IIN school page and several people want me to make them one.  :)  I might have something there!

I started another Whole30 yesterday. Went to the farmers market and got some good veggies.  Not to mention the seedlings to put in the garden.   Below is the great dinner I made tonight.  Ranchers steak, fruit, and salad.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

My new work and craft table

I wanted a taller work/craft table so I took our old dinner room table.
Sanded it down, primed it, and painted it white.
Purchased two cube storage units and place the table on top of them.
It works great.  And with the leaves I can make it smaller or larger depending on what I need.
I finished this project several months ago but wanted to share.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Got some stuff done today

Well I did more around the house today then I have in awhile.  But I sure was tired this afternoon and needed a nap.  :)  I have to get ready to return to work on Monday (full days).  I am not 100% sure I am ready to return but I have to.

I continue to ponder what I want to be when I grow up and I found this on facebook tonight.

 “Vision without action is a dream. Action without vision is simply passing the time. Action with Vision is making a positive difference.”
Joel Barker

I have put together a nice camping check list which I will post once I figure out how to.  :)  With help from Pineterst and my friend I think it is pretty complete.  We will see as we go camping for the first time next weekend.

Food choices were not great today - but I did go grocery shopping and got some fresh food.  And boy did we need it.  The  frig and cupboards were empty!

I had to have a hard discussion with my youngest daughter this week.  She is 11 and her weight is already 150 lbs.  We discussed how this made her feel and what she thought she could change.  We agreed that after school was out we would focus on the task together.  I asked her to read the book I have fallen in love with "It Starts With Food".  I don't want her to worry about her weight but I do want her to be in control and not end up like me with so many healthy issues.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Camper Upgrade!

You could tell the camper was a 2001 - but yet in really good shape.  I was able to take all the cushions and recover them with some great bright fabric.  I made the valance to match and the took the darker blue out of the stripes and made the curtains.  I put mesh at the top of the curtains by the bed to allow more air flow.  Really brightens it up in there! Ultimately it took approx 20 hours total and I think maybe $300.  I purchased all the fabric 50% off at Joann Fabrics.  And we had staples on hand and other needed items.

Oh the nasty cushion color and faded curtains

Couch area near Kind Size Bed

This is what I started with - pretty!

First Cushion is done and looks really nice.

the color adds so much to the area

made some tie backs in the same color fabric

I might want to hang out in here  :)

Things have been so crazy!

I am going to try this again!  But this time I will share more about what I am doing.  

I believe I am having a mid-life crisis!  I am not sure what I want to be when I grow up.  My health has been bad that last two and half months.  Just last week spent several days in the hospital again for asthma problems.  Even spent one night in intensive care!  I really have to decide what makes me happy.  I can't keep doing this.  I say yes to everything and that has to stop.

I did enroll at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition for the year long program.  I do see some changes coming personally and professional and this will help with both I believe.   If you check it out and are interested let me know. 

Our first assignment was to think about what our intention was!  Why did we come to IIN?  Words that came to mind were determined, healthy, happy, passion, thoughtful, accountable, and consistent. I see this vision of a Health Coach taking the place of "school nurse".  Working in the health care field for 20 years now why do we have to treat the illness when we can help stop it. I could be the health coach for kids and staff. We need to keep our teachers healthy and happy too.

One of my new favorite quotes "genetics may load the gun but you decide if the trigger gets pulled" - meaning you can fight against any illness with environmental changes.

One other thing that stood out to me from class already is we are very picky when it comes to friends and family. We only hang out with who we want and that is only a few hours a day or week.  But we will work for just about anyone!  We will spend 8-10 hours a day for someone we can't stand and we think it is ok to do so.  Why?

I also felt like we were missing out on some fun times with the kids.  So we purchased a pop up camper!  I will have some fun updating the cushions and curtains.  :)  More to come on that.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Menu Planning Board

Thanks to all the tips on Pinerest I was able to make my own menu planning board.

I used a magnet white board calendar, magnet printable paper, and made the tabs I thought I would use most.  IT was real easy to lay stuff out.  Easier then I thought it was going to be.

Then today I took that calendar and made a grocery shopping list.  Big trip to Costco and I have everything we need for the month except for a few odds and ends and more fresh fruit and veggies.

Hope you find it helpful. I used my recipe binders for the details.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

This will take some time!

It has been an up and down ride.  Getting out of the hospital and trying to heal is hard to do.  As a mom I feel like I should be doing everything still but then I get tired.  And if I am not doing then I start to get down about that.  It is a big circle of emotions. My wonderful husband says to rest and do what I need but it is hard.  I am a person who likes to keep busy and to sit is hard.  Working on my SMASH book is something I can do without spending a lot of energy.  It makes me feel good to see where I have come so far.  I have also had fun going through the magazines I have been saving.  I have a few things cut out that I would love to wear when the time comes.  :)  I am putting together a little video of the pages so far.  I will post soon.

I am excited to hear if I was picked for a makeover contest.  A local radio station is doing March Madness Makeovers and I hope with my transformation so far they would pick me.  I could use the pick me up more now then ever!  I entered before my hospital stay and all this new stuff.

As of today I am still down 22 lbs which is great with everything going on.  The plan is to make it through this and start Whole30 again 4/1 for sure if not sooner.

2013 is the year for ME !

Monday, March 18, 2013

Results of my first Whole30 in Jan

I was asked to write about my journey the last 30 days.  I can honestly say I am not sure where to start. So much has changed!
            I went from completing a sprint triathlon Aug 2011 to barely able to tie my own shoes within twelve months. Iron infusions every three months because I wasn’t absorbing what I needed and joint pain from inflammatory arthritis.  My bowels hadn’t worked right in years, diarrhea 4-5 times a week. I guess I couldn’t grasp that this was not normal.  It seemed to be my normal. 
            Several doctors later, someone listened to me she couldn’t figure out why this 40 year old body was falling apart. But she promised me we would figure it out.  Suggestions from her and my GI doctor to go gluten free were heard but not carried through.  My Aunt mentioned the Whole30 plan as she did it in Oct 2012.  I got the book and figured I could do it in Jan 2013.  I needed to make a choice.  I couldn’t continue like I was.  The pain was leading to an increase in depression.  This plan sounded like something I could do and continue if it made a difference.  My best friend was a great role model for me.
            I focused on food the first thirty days because I was unable to exercise yet with my knee pain. 1/2/13 Day 1 & 2 I thought this wasn’t so bad.  Then day 3, 4, 5, and 6 I thought I would kill someone. (a shirt I saw, that I have to find says “Paleo at first you think you are dying, then you are reborn”) Day 7-15 improved each day.  Day 7 and 8 people started noticing something was happening.  I couldn’t see it so I took a picture again.  Couldn’t believe my eyes!  I inflammation was down.
            Then came my trip to Texas day 16-20 and my devotion to stay on track.  It wasn’t that hard to make it happen.  I had to plan and look at the menu close.
            I continued to work hard and focus on my food intake. I am really not sure I missed anything to much but I had to concour the sugar demon for sure.
            As I sit here (day 29) reflecting on my Whole30 I am so proud of what I did.  And can’t wait to see what another month brings.  I have a long way to go.  Here are things I have gained by eliminating a few.

Increased Energy                    Decreased Joint Pain
Decreased inflammation         Decreased Weight ( 17 lbs)
Increased Sleep                       Increased Motivation
Friends                                    Respect
Feeling of normal bowels        Determination
Decreased Inches ( 9.5 in)      Increased Focus
Belief I can make it happen

As you can see the plus far out weights the elimination of a few things.  And you can see from my pictures it has been a great 30 days!! Can’t thank everyone enough for pointing me in the right direction.  I will be forever grateful to you all! ( you know who you are )

Healthy and Happy,

 1/2/13                                                                           1/31/13

What a week it has been!

Well I had all intentions to get going on this. And Wednesday 3/13/13 I ended up in the hospital with my asthma again.  It was a rough few days. Got out Saturday afternoon.  This is an eye opener really for me.  The doctor says I was very close to needing a tube to breath. I have been doing alot of thinking and maybe to much.  What do I want to do?  And is what I am doing getting me there?  Right now I don't know.  My focus right now needs to be me and my health. I need to remember I can't do it all. This is hard for me.  I am a bit of a control freak and want to do it all. My health is taking a hit because of it.

I am excited my Smash book came in and I got started on it.  Document my progress in the health journey.  Add some great things that make me smile.  I need the reminder of how far I have come.
 I will update you as I move forward with my Smash Book.

Removing not Losing!

Enough Said!

Tracking Sheet

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lets start at the beginning

Dec 2012 - I have had enough!  My aunt pointed me and I searched for a plan I could do forever.  This is not a diet - I have to do it for life.  Jan 2013 I did my first Whole30 - thanks for the book It Starts With Food.  Here is the great results I had.  Melissa and Dallas wanted to post my results on the website.

Feb 2013 was an on and off month.  Hurt my knee and foot.  Had to learn what didn't work again.

As I right today I am down 22 lbs total and still feel proud of what I have done.  I need to focus again and get back to healthy.  I have a trip to Mexico in May.

With my Wildtree business it is easy to make healthy foods with great seasoning.  :)
More to come!