Monday, March 18, 2013

Results of my first Whole30 in Jan

I was asked to write about my journey the last 30 days.  I can honestly say I am not sure where to start. So much has changed!
            I went from completing a sprint triathlon Aug 2011 to barely able to tie my own shoes within twelve months. Iron infusions every three months because I wasn’t absorbing what I needed and joint pain from inflammatory arthritis.  My bowels hadn’t worked right in years, diarrhea 4-5 times a week. I guess I couldn’t grasp that this was not normal.  It seemed to be my normal. 
            Several doctors later, someone listened to me she couldn’t figure out why this 40 year old body was falling apart. But she promised me we would figure it out.  Suggestions from her and my GI doctor to go gluten free were heard but not carried through.  My Aunt mentioned the Whole30 plan as she did it in Oct 2012.  I got the book and figured I could do it in Jan 2013.  I needed to make a choice.  I couldn’t continue like I was.  The pain was leading to an increase in depression.  This plan sounded like something I could do and continue if it made a difference.  My best friend was a great role model for me.
            I focused on food the first thirty days because I was unable to exercise yet with my knee pain. 1/2/13 Day 1 & 2 I thought this wasn’t so bad.  Then day 3, 4, 5, and 6 I thought I would kill someone. (a shirt I saw, that I have to find says “Paleo at first you think you are dying, then you are reborn”) Day 7-15 improved each day.  Day 7 and 8 people started noticing something was happening.  I couldn’t see it so I took a picture again.  Couldn’t believe my eyes!  I inflammation was down.
            Then came my trip to Texas day 16-20 and my devotion to stay on track.  It wasn’t that hard to make it happen.  I had to plan and look at the menu close.
            I continued to work hard and focus on my food intake. I am really not sure I missed anything to much but I had to concour the sugar demon for sure.
            As I sit here (day 29) reflecting on my Whole30 I am so proud of what I did.  And can’t wait to see what another month brings.  I have a long way to go.  Here are things I have gained by eliminating a few.

Increased Energy                    Decreased Joint Pain
Decreased inflammation         Decreased Weight ( 17 lbs)
Increased Sleep                       Increased Motivation
Friends                                    Respect
Feeling of normal bowels        Determination
Decreased Inches ( 9.5 in)      Increased Focus
Belief I can make it happen

As you can see the plus far out weights the elimination of a few things.  And you can see from my pictures it has been a great 30 days!! Can’t thank everyone enough for pointing me in the right direction.  I will be forever grateful to you all! ( you know who you are )

Healthy and Happy,

 1/2/13                                                                           1/31/13

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